
GREASE (oil, mayonnaise, butter, margarine) - After treating the stain with a dry solvent (like mineral spirits or acetone), rinse with isopropyl alcohol and dry thoroughly. Spray the area with the diluted dishwashing-soap solution and soak in an enzyme-detergent before washing.

PROTEIN (blood, egg) - Allow the stain to rest in the diluted dishwashing-soap solution. If, after rinsing in lukewarm water, the stain persists, apply the enzyme detergent and wash as normal.

VEGETABLES & FRUITS (juice, jelly) - Begin by applying the diluted dishwashing-soap solution to the area. Next flush the stain with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Finally, treat the area with an enzyme detergent and wash as indicated by label instructions.

GRASS - Apply a dry solvent to the stain (making sure to do so in a well-ventilated area). Remove as much of the stain as possible by pressing with cheesecloth and dabbing with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse stain with isopropyl alcohol and allow to dry. Apply an enzyme detergent and wash according to care instructions.

LIPSTICK - Begin by scraping as much of the stain off as possible. Apply a dry solvent to the area and dab with a soft brush. Rinse the area with isopropyl alcohol. Continue this process until no pigment remains and allow to dry. Apply diluted dishwashing-soap solution and an enzyme detergent, and wash as usual.

RED WINE - Flush the area with the diluted dishwashing-soap mixture and dab gently with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse with water and apply vinegar, dabbing lightly, allowing the item to sit for a few minutes before repeating the process. If the stain persists, let it sit for a few moments after treating with hydrogen peroxide. A few drops of ammonia may be added to the area if the hydrogen peroxide does not remove all of the stain. Rinse with water, apply an enzyme detergent and wash. If the stain still exists, treat with a powdered nonchlorinated color-safe bleach (like sodium percarbonate) and wash again.

WHITE WINE - Rinse the area with cool water and apply the diluted dish-soap solution. After applying an enzyme detergent, launder as usual.

TEA OR COFFEE - Rinse the area thoroughly with vinegar or lemon juice and then, if necessary, apply a stronger bleach. If the beverage contained milk or sugar, treat with diluted dishwashing-soap solution and then wash with an enzyme detergent.

CHOCOLATE - Remove as much chocolate as possible and apply the diluted dish soap. Treat with an enzyme detergent and wash according to care instructions.

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